Our Achievements
Saira Mir the founder of PL84U AL-SUFFA was honoured to meet the queen
The Queen is said to have been “empathetic” to difficulties facing refugees and asylum seekers while meeting members of faith and belief groups who promote community cohesion.
At a reception held at Buckingham Palace, the monarch greeted 160 representatives of different beliefs and faiths from across the UK.
A smaller group of 12 volunteers and community workers had the chance to discuss with her their efforts to bring about positive change in their neighbourhoods.
the bank job 2018
PL84U AL-SUFFA was honoured to be apart of an amazing project called the 'BANK JOB'
Throughout 2018/19 we operated out of a former Bank on a High Street in Walthamstow, North East London as HSCB (Hoe Street Central Bank). The Guardian called us “The Rebel Bank” - as we first printed our own banknotes/artwork and sold £40,000 worth of them.
We used 50% of the proceeds to fund local projects picking up the pieces of our broken financial system - local food bank Eat or Heat, homeless kitchen Pl84U-Al Suffa, youth project The Soul Project and Barn Croft Primary School.
We used the other £20,000 to buy up and abolish £1.2m of local high interest debt. Debt gets sold for a fraction of its face value when debtors fail to make repayments. Debts get sold on and on - but debtors get chased for the full amount.
world interfaith harmony week (wihw) 2017
We (PL84U AL-SUFFA) awarded the bronze award.
The World Interfaith Harmony Week was first proposed at the UN General Assembly on September 23, 2010 by H.M. King Abdullah II of Jordan. Just under a month later, on October 20, 2010, it was unanimously adopted by the UN and henceforth the first week of February will be observed as a World Interfaith Harmony Week.
The World Interfaith Harmony Week is based on the pioneering work of The Common Word initiative. This initiative, which started in 2007, called for Muslim and Christian leaders to engage in a dialogue based on two common fundamental religious Commandments; Love of God, and Love of the Neighbour, without nevertheless compromising any of their own religious tenets.
It is hoped that this initiative will provide a focal point from which all people of goodwill can recognize that the common values they hold far outweigh the differences they have, and thus provide a strong dosage of peace and harmony to their communities.
3FFs 2017
The Faith & Belief Forum exists to create good relations between people of different faiths and beliefs.
Their vision is a connected and supportive society where people of different faiths, beliefs and cultures have strong, productive and lasting relations. We believe the future belongs to people of all beliefs, that intolerance has no place in society and that diversity adds value.
They work towards our vision by implementing three interconnected and strategic goals.